Wiel Arets, A Timeline of Ideas, Articles & Interviews 1982-2010
Edited by Roemer van Toorn, design MAINSTUDIO.

This book is about the power of thought in architecture by exemplary example of renowned Dutch architect Wiel Arets. As an architect you not only design, but developed ideas through thought and doing. As architect you make the road by walking according to editor Roemer van Toorn in his introduction. It is about the architects thinking and making, instilling a non-linearity in the process of creating. The book concept, made by Roemer van Toorn and Mainstudio, shows the development of Arets’ ideas in their multitude of thought and action. Architect Wiel Arets speaks, but also enters into a dialogue with others, while his work is critically analysed. Wiel Arets, and authors such as Stan Allen, Alberto Alessi, Geert Bekaert, Kenneth Frampton, Jacques Herzog, Hans Ibelings, Toyo Ito, Rem Koolhaas, Arthur Kroker, Bart Lootsma, Greg Lynn, Joost Meuwissen, Dominique Perrault, Kazuyo Sejima, Roemer van Toorn, and Anthony Vidler speak about the work while in the background Arets’ architecture – photographed by Jan Bitter – unfolds along a horizontal timeline of realised buildings in their everyday in the book. Different texts fold around the documented  projects (in silver) on the book pages. The further you travel in time the more building you see appearing.  The projects included in the book are Academy for Arts Maastricht, Hedge House, the University Library Utrecht, the Jellyfish house, the 4 Towers in Osdorp, the Allianz Headquarters and Wiel Arets’ product designs for Alessi. Wiel Arets, first as a professor at the AA London, Columbia University New York, the Cooper Union New York, and later as Dean of the Berlage Institute Rotterdam and as a professor at the Universität der Künste Berlin, believes that research and education are an intrinsic part of being an architect. 
The book was published by 010 Publishers in 2010 and accompanied the exhibition, and lecture series STILLS, Wiel Arets, at the SCHUNCK PALEIS, Heerlen.

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